Mine Reclamation

Mine reclamation

1. Improvement and Recovery of Soil Contamination

Improvement and recovery of soil contamination
  • Establishing an accurate source of pollution, assessing the scope of pollution by conducting investigation of the current status of mine area and soil and precision investigations for recovery
  • Selecting the optimal recovery method through a pilot test and test construction, preparing basic and implementation design reflecting the opinions from an on-site presentation and land owner (tiller)
  • Compensation for restoration of farmland for improvement and restoration, Application of construction method considering soil pollution characteristics, Improvement and restoration of contaminated soil

2. Improvement of Water Quality

Improvement of water quality
  • Comprehensively reviewing and analyzing existing materials for field inspection, investigation for water of infiltration and efficient design
  • Natural remediation, electrochemical treatment and physicochemical method-based field pilot test to derive design factors → Selecting the optimal treatment method and performing basic design and implementation
  • Constructing and operating acid mine drainage treatment facilities, Monitoring/Managing facilities

3. Prevention of Tailing Loss

Prevention of tailing loss
  • Removal of minerals (tailings) and stabilization or solidification of pollutants to block the path of pollutants from reaching receptors such as humans and organisms

Improvement and recovery of farmland soil near abandoned mines

  • In case of mineral dressing from mining activities in a mine area, scattering of tailing, loss, acid mine draining (AMD) and leachate lead soil contamination in neighboring farmland.
  • Improvement and recovery of contaminated soil in farmland ensures and protects public health and agricultural products.

1. Route of soil contamination in farmland near abandoned mines

2. Procedure of implementing the soil remediation project in farmland near abandoned mines

Contaminated soil near abandoned mines
Improvement and recovery of soil contamination

Detailed procedure of soil improvement and recovery in farmland near abandoned mines

1. Precise survey on the current status of soil contamination for recovery

Precision survey
  • Implementing investigation on the current status of soil near a mining area and precise survey for recovery based on results of agricultural product stability survey by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and soil contamination survey by the Ministry of Environment → Establishing an accurate source of pollution and setting the level and range of pollution

2. Remediation method selection and design

Selection and design
  • Selecting the optimal remedial method through a feasibility test and pilot test and basic and working design with opinions from the land owner

3. Soil improvement and reclamation construction

Reclamation work
  • Applying a method by considering the characteristics of farmland soil contamination
  • Implementing work for improving and recovering contaminated soil after determining a construction period based on consultation with landowner

4. Monitoring after improvement and recovery

  • Monitoring soil analysis results of before and after the improvement work and checking the growth state of agricultural products